Welcome to Job Q&A From The Trenches! We answer your questions on building your resume, interviewing, searching for jobs and more – just ask!
Q: My friend recently hired a resume writer to do her resume. I’ve been out of a job, and don’t really have the money to spend on professional resume services. Is it really worth it?
A: It’s essential to your job search to have an effectively written resume demonstrating your greatest potential. Writing one can sometimes lead to frustration and challenges – if you’re not sure what strategies to use and details to include. You have to make yourself stand out as a candidate, and a strong resume will get you to the top of the list. Going to a professional offers expertise and guidance, in what could otherwise be a grueling task.
Professional resume writers keep up with industry trends to write compelling resumes on target with today’s job market needs. Use their expertise and guidance to your advantage – work with one to customize a resume for your personal branding. A professional writer also can assist with special circumstances like switching careers, and gaps in your employment dates. How should you position your resume for desired roles? What format is best suited for you – and your industry? Expert resume writers work with you to tailor your resume based on your specific job goals.
It can also be a challenge to give yourself an objective point of view. It’s sometimes difficult to write about yourself – and give your accomplishments the right level of achievement. Are you being too modest? Filling it with fluff? Working with a professional will help showcase your value effectively.
Many writers will consider your case on different scales, based on your level of expertise and type of revisions needed; discuss different fee options, or work out a payment plan. It’s also considered a tax write-off! Certain job search expenses are tax deductible, including resume writing. Be sure to review the IRS website, and consider what applies specifically to you. Check out a previous Q&A From The Trenches for more: “Can I Deduct Job Search Costs?”
What about this year – are you getting a tax refund? Invest in your career! A great idea is to put your refund toward resume writing fees. Hire a professional to develop your resume and make you stand out as the best candidate. For additional advice go here: “Expecting a Tax Refund? Here’s an Idea”
You owe it to yourself to use every resource to your advantage during a job search. Hiring a professional resume writer can give you an edge – and help get your resume to the top of the pile. Ask your friend, what has her success been? Did her interview numbers increase once she began sending out her improved document? Chances are … she started seeing a positive response with her professionally-written resume, and should hopefully get her desired role soon!
Think about this: how much does it cost you to NOT have a job?
Have a question for Job Q&A From The Trenches? Tweet us @InspiredResumes or email deidre@inspiredresumes.com
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