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Q: I think the ‘endorsements’ on LinkedIn are great – but do hiring managers pay attention to them?
A: The endorsements feature on LinkedIn allows your connections to validate you for certain skills – and vice versa. They add credibility to your profile details, verifying your knowledge and capabilities in specific areas.
It’s easy to do; with just one click on your contact’s profile you select the skill to endorse, and you’re done. And that’s the thing – it really is easy and simple. This has led to questions around its reliability, and whether or not hiring managers are giving them a second thought.
Being endorsed for specific skills offers an advantage; if you have 30 people confirming your expertise in Project Management versus another prospect with no endorsements – this is to your benefit if an employer DOES check out profiles of potential candidates to fill their open role.
Whether or not hiring managers are actually taking endorsements into consideration, take charge and manage yours. You need a complete profile aligned with your current job search; you don’t want to be recognized for talents you don’t possess – that gives a false impression. Review your Skills & Expertise section; you’re allowed to show up to 50, utilize it! Keep in mind your top 10 most endorsed skills are highlighted. Hide what you don’t want others to see (even all your endorsements, if you so choose) and use Add & Remove to manage your list. Follow the steps here: “Hiding and Unhiding a Skill Endorsement”.
Chances are, when you’re endorsing others, they’ll respond in kind. It’s a good way to network with your connections; use it as a means to reach out and build relationships. Thank others when they endorse you – think about writing them a recommendation, which provides more depth in recognition. And don’t be afraid to ask them for a recommendation on your own profile!
Maximize each section of your LinkedIn profile, including endorsements; they give insight into your core abilities – use them to represent your personal branding. Take advantage of all that LinkedIn has to offer … and always remember to highlight your most relevant skills and expertise!
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