Welcome to Q&A From the Trenches! Every week we take your questions on building a resume, interviewing, searching for jobs – ask us anything!
QUESTION: My LinkedIn profile is not getting many views – and not getting ANY InMails or requests for interviews. Is it worth it to upgrade to a premium paid profile like “Job Seeker?” Is there anything I can do with my profile to improve it BEFORE I resort to paying for a higher level of LinkedIn?
Before paying any fees, review the content of your profile – this could be what’s holding you back from getting found on searches by recruiters and hiring managers. When they perform these searches, they’re using specific industry keywords and phrases; if you don’t have them included in your profile, you won’t be found!
Be sure your profile demonstrates the true potential and value you bring to a future employer. It must be enticing, and make others WANT to contact you. Are all the sections completed to the best of your ability? Do they align with your current job search? You can expand your LinkedIn profile more than your resume, and you should take advantage of this. Review your profile and consider the following:
- Do you have an effective Headline? This section gives you 120 characters to brand yourself. By default, it displays your current company and job title; revise it to focus on you, and your uniqueness. Use keywords to demonstrate your expertise. Put together a branding statement to showcase your abilities. Make it powerful and influential while displaying your best qualities in a nutshell.
- How about your Summary? LinkedIn allows up to 2,000 characters within this section; use this space to tell your career story. Talk about your career highlights and achievements. Show your capabilities by including keywords and industry phrases. Say what your specialties are to give an idea of your knowledge. List your skills at the end of your Summary to create a greater picture of what you bring to the table.
- What does your Experience show? Use descriptions in your Experience section to also include keywords and accomplishments. You have up to 1,988 characters for each position, and you should maximize it! Talk about your roles and responsibilities throughout your career, along with your quantified achievements. Don’t just cut and paste these details here from your resume; LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to expand on so much – utilize the space!
Consider ways to enhance your profile to help you be found on searches and get contacted by prospective employers. Of course, hiring a professional to customize and align your online profile is also effective. Keep your profile current, and make sure it’s well-written with strong content that best reflects YOU.
If you have a Question for Q&A From the Trenches tweet us at @InspiredResumes or drop us an email at deidre@inspiredresumes.com
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