If you’re currently employed and don’t want your supervisor to know you’re searching, or you just need to keep your job hunt under wraps, it’s a challenge to put yourself out there while keeping it confidential. It isn’t easy to make it known you’re interested in new opportunities, or checking out possibilities, without it getting back

Name? Check. Contact info listed? Check. Your LinkedIn photo? It sounds like a good idea, but you should not include ANY photographs on your resume – unless, of course, you’re a model or actor. By including details that don’t belong, your resume is saying “Hey, I’m unprofessional over here!”. Your resume must be professional-sounding and aligned

  Expecting a refund on your taxes this year? When deciding how to spend it, consider that it’s time you make an investment in YOU –and your career – hire a professional resume writer. An expertly-written resume gives you that edge needed to get the interview. Professional resume writing services work with you to assess your strengths and

A study* suggests recruiters spend merely 6 seconds on a resume before deciding if a candidate fits a position. So yours has to be lean, smart, and impactful – the most attractive one in the pile. Every character counts; filling up precious space with minute details is a good way to make a bad impression…like monopolizing the

Welcome to Job Q&A From The Trenches! We answer your questions on building your resume, interviewing, searching for jobs and more – just ask! Q: My friend recently hired a resume writer to do her resume. I’ve been out of a job, and don’t really have the money to spend on professional resume services. Is

Closed-door meetings. Whispering by the water cooler. Industry rumors. Sweaty palms, and that cold feeling in the pit of your stomach … layoffs may be coming. Don’t be surprised when layoffs happen – be prepared! Constant Maintenance Don’t wait until you’ve been let go to update your resume and LinkedIn profile; this should be something you